How to Organize a Union

We at Wex Workers United (WWU) are very excited about our unionization efforts and want to spread the word. We’ve put together this document as a starting place for all who are interested.

Wex Workers United on how to organize a union

Talk to your coworkers.

  • Start with trusted coworkers, and ask if they’re interested. Share issues that are unique to you, and find out if you have common issues in the workplace. 

Talk to a union organizer.
  • WWU partnered with AFSCME, but there are other unions that might be better suited for your workplace. Once you contact a union organizer, you are legally protected against firing or retaliation—so it’s never too early to take this step.

Build support for your union.
  • Continue talking with your coworkers—a union organizer will help with this process.

Win your election.
  • Once the majority of your coworkers support the unionization effort, you can file for an official election. After you win, you can negotiate with your employer and collectively bargain for your rights, respect, and a voice on the job.

Resources on union organizing
What a Labor Union is and How It Works
—Teen Vogue, March 12, 2018

How to Start a Union at Your Company
—Time, April 7, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions about Ohio’s Public Employee Collective Bargaining Law from our affiliates at AFSCME Ohio Council 8

Cultural Workers United (the cultural workers cohort of AFSCME)

Jessalyn Aaland’s Organizing Power, a project providing arts and nonprofit workers with accessible tools for union organizing. Volume 1 was very useful for WWU and is a great resource for all workers unionizing their workplaces.

@howtounionize A practical guide from a worker’s perspective.

Solidarity with other unions
When you become part of the labor movement, you and your coworkers will not be alone. Your union will find solidarity from other unions in your region and around the world. A short list follows:

Unions in the news
Amazon Labor Union
Starbucks Workers United
Trader Joe’s United

Unions local to Central Ohio
Columbus Education Association
Worthington Public Libraries United
Central Ohio Labor Council
Student Workers United at OSU
Ohio State University Association of University Professors
Ohio State University Nurses Organization
Service Employees International Union Local 1

International unions
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

Unions from other arts institutions
Art Institute of Chicago Workers United
Baltimore Museum of Art Union
BAM Union
Philadelphia Museum of Art Union
Walker Worker Union

These are just the basics. Feel free to email us at with any questions—we can help point you in the right direction!

Collective action is power, and unionizing your workplace is a step toward making a better world for all working people. You can do this.